Payment Options in Loveland CO

Chiropractic Loveland CO Office Workers

Most insurance companies include chiropractic coverage in Loveland CO, although, the specifics of each plan may differ greatly. Listed on this page are the most common insurance companies we submit claims to on patients' behalf. If you do not see your insurance provider listed, or are unsure of your coverage, please call your insurance company for verification of your benefits. Our staff will also verify and explain your chiropractic benefits at your report of findings, at no additional charge.

Payment Options Are Available For Our Patients in Loveland CO

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • CareCredit

We Submit Your Insurance Claims With

  • UMR
  • United Health Care
  • Aetna
  • BC/BS
  • Medicare (Participating Providers)
  • many other insurance companies with chiropractic benefits

At Thompson Valley Chiropractic, we believe in the value of specific spinal corrective care for you and your family. In many instances, your medical re-reimbursement plan may provide coverage for chiropractic care. Thompson Valley Chiropractic will handle your billing on your behalf. Over the years, increasing limitations by insurance companies for necessary chiropractic care is greatly restricted people's access to the quality, natural, and cost-effective care that they need. Flexible payment options are available throughout your care.

If you have had an auto accident or know somebody who has, it is critical to have the spine examined to prevent ongoing problems, future limitations, and decreasing quality of life. Soft tissue damage and subsequent spinal misalignment may cause interference with normal life at an instant or even later in life.

Auto Accident Cases

At Thompson Valley Chiropractic, we accept auto accident cases on a per case basis once certain data has been verified, such as Medical Payments (MedPay) is included in your policy. Third-party claims are managed by and accepted per lien basis along with attorney representation. Our very knowledgeable and understanding staff will help you learn more about your payment options for chiropractic and spinal rehabilitation care.

You will receive active help in taking responsibility for your and your family’s health & wellness. The entire team at Thompson Valley Chiropractic will assist and guide you to take the time to care for the important people in your world: you and your family.

8:30am - 6:00pm

2:30pm - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 5:00pm

8:30am - 5:00pm


*Friday/Saturday are Massage Hours ONLY

Thompson Valley Chiropractic

2180 W Eisenhower Blvd
Loveland, CO 80537

(970) 203-0597